Pressure Transmitters

Dwyer 629 wet/wet Diffwewntial Pressure

Available with 3 valve manifolds

Dwyer Pressure Transmitters

High accuracy type available with wide pressure ranges

Dwyer Diff Pressure transmitters

Low cost, standard range
High accuracy models available

Dwyer Differential or Static Pressure Transmitter

Field selectable ranges for pressure and velocity
w LCD display and dampling functions.

Dwyer High Accuracy Differential Pressure Transmitter

Greenmark model

ACI Diff Pressure Transmitter

With display

ACI Wet/Wet Diff Pressure Transmitter

with LCD display

A / MLP2

Low cost pressure for air, gases etc

Cleveland Diff Pressure Switches


Pressure switches and transmitters for air

Contact us for more information about our products.

Our expertise will provide you on selecting the right equipment for your project with most competitive price !